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Community Contribution

The Voice of the Community at the Center of Decisions of Humanitarian Response

Kate Pickett

The case study presented here examine the evolution of Kuja Kuja as a humanitarian feedback tool in the context of Venezuelan migration in Colombia during 2019 and 2021. The main objective is to present the effect of the community-based feedback systems on humanitarian responses, and to demonstrate related improvements in decision-making that lead to positive effects on the final beneficiaries.

Case studies are explored related to the use of Kuja Kuja in program management practices in general, and to specific program interventions in the health and cash-transfer services areas. Lessons learned related in particular to the capacity of the aforementioned system for humanitarian organizations to act based on evidence within complex contexts.

This study emerges from the evolution of Kuja Kuja in the specific context of Venezuelan migration in Colombia; which by January 2021 amounted to 1.8 million migrants in different economic and legal situations. And it flows from a process of co-creation with local partners and the ease of the community to provide feedback. The case aims to answer the following question: In what ways have communities and humanitarian organizations responded to real-time feedback systems based on the direct participation of final beneficiaries?

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