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5. Sharing, Learning, Using

Completing an evaluation report is not the end of the evaluation process. As the evaluation report moves toward completion, the Mission or Washington OU that commissioned the evaluation enters into the key phase of sharing, reporting, using, and learning from the evaluation.

Sharing: Transparency is a key practice of evaluation at USAID. As noted in ADS, “Evaluation must be transparent in the planning, implementation, and reporting phases to enable accountability," and "USAID commits to full and active disclosure and will share findings from evaluations as widely as possible." At a minimum, this requires the posting of evaluation reports to the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) and evaluation data to the Data Development Library (DDL).

Reporting: In ADS it states that “Missions and OUs should update and follow the Evaluation Dissemination Plan developed during the evaluation planning stage and consider dissemination channels in addition to posting the evaluation report and data, such as slide decks, videos, infographics, visualizations, podcasts, or other means of sharing the evaluation findings.”

Using and Learning: To help ensure that institutional learning takes place and evaluation findings are used to improve development outcomes, Mission and Washington OUs must develop a Post-Evaluation Action Plan upon completion of an evaluation, with a designated point of contact who will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of the action plan. OUs must review the status of actions across Post-Evaluation Action Plans during Mission portfolio reviews and document when actions are complete (ADS

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