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The US Overseas Cooperative Development Collaborative Group: Washington, DC

Ashley Holst
The US Overseas Cooperative Development Council’s Collaborative Group brings together all implementors of the USAID Cooperative Development Program. Together the Collaborative Group members seek to co-create the enabling conditions for a culture of openness, relationship and network building, and continuous learning and improvement. These enabling conditions become tools for adaptation of the program cycle and harness further impact through internal collaboration of program management teams and executives and external collaboration between Cooperative Development Organizations. The Collaborative Group, managed by the Research Group, conducts collaborative cross-sector research that supports through evidence the effectiveness of cooperative development and is a space for sharing best practices, challenges and successes. 
Two of the cooperative principles are “education, training and information” and “cooperation among cooperatives.” These principles describe the mission of the OCDC Collaborative Group and compliment the Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting Framework. Together the OCDC Research Group and the Cooperative Development Organizations have scaled the impact of USAID’s Cooperative Development Program through grassroots, bottom up development. The Collaborative Group seeks to measure and support through evidence the effectiveness cooperative development methodology and continue to improve the program through Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting.
OCDC brings together organizations committed to building a more prosperous world through cooperatives. Its mission is to champion, advocate and promote effective international cooperative development. 

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