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Community Contribution

Reimagining Support for Jordan’s Democratic Development

Ashleigh Whelan, Jake Jones & Mohammad Allahham
The International Republican Institute (IRI) has been implementing democracy support programs in Jordan since 2006, helping to build inclusive, responsive municipal governments and citizen-focused, policy-driven political parties. In light of recent political changes within Jordan, IRI decided to review our programming approach, learn from our previous work and adapt to new realities.  
Nearly one year into a new USAID-funded project that evolved from a previous multi-year project, IRI Jordan instituted a wide-ranging CLA approach. We leveraged routine and CLA-specific MEL activities, using these resources to pause and reflect and conduct internal brainstorming and results chain discussions to illuminate the relevance of our activities. We also sought to identify new activities and processes and adapt our program strategy to reach our project’s objectives and goals while increasing our sustainability.  
The CLA has given our field team greater creative control over project and community outcomes—inspiring them to take on the evolving challenges of Jordan’s democracy under a newly decentralized government structure. Our beneficiaries are being pushed to be more creative and to take greater ownership to promote and expand citizen-centered governance, build inclusive political parties and create a dynamic democratic environment in Jordan.

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