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Community Contribution



The MEASURE DHS User Forum is a place to participate in DHS-related discussions with data users from all over the world.  The DHS User Forum allows DHS data users to ask questions, help other users with their data-related challenges, and have topic- and country-specific conversations.  Features include:
- Discussion threads focused on dozens of issues including analysis questions, topical conversations (e.g. HIV, malaria, unmet need, wealth, etc.), country-specific issues, a space for journalists, and general support for using DHS data for evidence-based decisionmaking.
-  Alerts to track a conversation of interest
-  Search tool to quickly comb previously asked questions and prior posts

Users can:
-  Post a new question, and solicit feedback from DHS experts all over the world. 
-  Start a conversation to discuss the implications of a finding, identify a research topic, or find colleagues working in a similar area
-  Provide support to other DHS users.  Share your skills and knowledge to build the field of DHS data experts!

Success of the DHS User Forum depends on users like you!  MEASURE DHS staff will moderate the forum, and will respond to DHS-specific questions as appropriate. But the invaluable interaction from users across the world requires widespread participation.

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