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Design-Stage CLA Engagement Helps ‘Get it Right’ Early

Amina El Abdellaoui

USAID/Morocco embraced CLA approaches early in a flagship education design, to create multi-stakeholder buy-in to the foundational learning and adaptive management principles for the next five years of programming. The new program is an evolution of historical and successful education activities in Morocco, with a significant and momentous shift in focus from exclusively primary education towards lower secondary grades.

The mission, in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MOE), launched a co-creation workshop to bring critical stakeholders together to collectively design solutions and agree on a detailed vision and work plan for the Bridge to Middle School Project that will be launched in 2022. In previous activities, there were many challenges with the disconnect between Ministry officials and USAID’s partner regarding priorities and scalability. Fostering external collaboration during the design phase, and adapting to discussions and debates, have allowed the apparent successful applicant to learn, and adapt as needed.

The main outcomes of the co-creation workshop were: fostering a deeper understanding from all stakeholders about resources and needs and agreeing on priorities and evidence-based scalability approach of activities beyond the project lifetime. USAID, the MOE and the apparently successful applicant (ASA) agreed on the revised project description that will cover the Bridge to Middle School Activity (Bridge) scope, to maximize use of resources and ensure timely coordination with all partners.

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