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Community Contribution

Collaborate-Learn-Adapt in Practice: Harnessing Youth-Led ICT Solutions to Scale Feed the Future Results in Uganda

Justin Kosoris

The Feed the Future Uganda Commodity Production and Marketing activity approach is to work through the middle of the value chain, targeting traders and village agents as the avenues through which to provide smallholder farmers with improved inputs, advice, and access to finance and markets. The project used a CLA methodology to adapt its activities to the lack of youth participation. The project facilitated the creation of a youth-led ICT company, Akorion, that is working collaboratively with the activity to link farmers with traders in order to provide increased incomes. The project's leveraging of this innovative company has been impressive and has led to increased collaboration and learning to scale improved project results.

This video storyboard illustrating CLA in action was submitted as part of USAID's CLA Case Competition, held in August 2015. A winning storyboard was selected to be produced into a formal video with assistance from the USAID LEARN project. This submission is part of a collection of examples that illustrate the diversity of ways collaborating, learning, and adapting approaches are being operationalized in the field. To view more CLA examples like this one, visit the CLA Case Competition page

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