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CLA in USAID West/Africa with Virtual Site Monitoring

Lea Claye

Prior to COVID-19, the USAID/West Africa Regional Health Office (RHO) would travel primarily to Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo, and Niger to monitor health service delivery sites for Family Planning, HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment, and commodity security. As part of a regional mission, traveling the region for site visits was a key component to overseeing United States Government investments in each country. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, RHO anticipated a need for virtual monitoring given the travel restraints caused by the COVID-19 response. Realizing it would be difficult to monitor health service delivery sites, RHO reflected on its past experience conducting site monitoring visits, adapted existing resources and tools, and worked closely with partners on the ground to continue monitoring, learning, and improving its programs. RHO’s approach to virtual site monitoring is grounded in collaborating, learning, and adapting with our internal team and with external partners, support offices, and State Department colleagues.

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