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Community Contribution

CLA to Promote Vibrant Information for a Just, Prosperous, and Inclusive Mozambique

Laura Agosta

Mozambicans face several challenges to access quality information and to make their voices count to bring about much needed social change. Quality information is especially needed around key development issues such as health, gender, biodiversity and good governance.

The Media Strengthening Program (MSP) implemented by IREX with USAID funding, works at the intersection of initiatives that strengthen the information and media ecosystem, understanding the critical interplay among professional capacity, business management, media law and regulation while at the same time supporting institutions and rapidly changing technologies. Nearing the end of its first 5 years of implementation of this multiyear and multimillion dollar program, USAID invited IREX to present a proposal for a cost-extension that allowed the program to continue for another year and a half. This was the perfect moment for IREX and USAID to reflect on all the learning that took place and was documented and systematized through the years and to identify key activities for the second phase of the program that could sustain change in Mozambique.

MSP’s CLA approach is based on collaborative and adaptive methodologies with a direct impact on program results but also on the management and decision making culture of the organization. IREX has continually reflected on both successes and failures - including openly and proactively sharing challenges and failures with USAID and using them as opportunities for learning, collaboration, and improvement.  IREX tested a series of activities resulting in the identification of key interventions deemed to likely have high and sustainable impact in the media and information landscape in Mozambique in the medium term.

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