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Context-Driven, Adaptive Solicitations and Awards


 The resources in this section will assist you to build consideration of power dynamics, and context-driven and adaptive ways of working, into solicitations, awards, and ongoing implementation and management. Resources include tips to build TWP into solicitations and into award structure, examples of solicitations that embed these approaches, and links to relevant resources on innovative and flexible activities, procurement, and awards that can be leveraged to make programming more adaptable. 

Tips and Resources for Context Driven Adaptive Solicitations and Awards

In this area, you can find tips and resources for building context-driven adaptation into the structure of solicitations and awards, enabling better adaptiveness against shifts in context.

Examples of Context Driven Adaptive Solicitations and Awards

In this area, you can find examples context-driven adaptation being embedded into the structure of solicitations and awards, enabling better adaptiveness against shifts in context.

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