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USAID Contribution

Performance Monitoring, What Works and What Doesn't: A Webinar Among Development Partners

Event Details

Date and time

June 25, 2014




SID-Washington M&E Workgroup and InterAction's Evaluation and Program Effectiveness Working Group (EPEWG)

Event Description

Stylized text: What works, what doesn't, and why?

In partnership with the SID-Washington M&E Workgroup and InterAction's Evaluation and Program Effectiveness Working Group (EPEWG).

In March, USAID staff, evaluators, and implementing partners came together to discuss what works and doesn't work in evaluation. In this session, we would like to turn our attention to "USAID's" performance monitoring - most of which is done by our implementing partners. During this webinar, we will briefly present USAID's approach to performance monitoring. We would then like to hear from implementing partners about: What makes it hard to do this work well? What can we learn from each other that will allow us to do this better?

The issues raised during this webinar will be used to guide future meetings or online discussions on this topic, so please come prepared to share your thoughts! 

Click here to access the webinar.

No RSVP necessary.

For more information, visit the SID-Washington event page.