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Open Knowledge Festival 2014

Event Details

Date and time

July 15, 2014 - July 17, 2014


Open Knowledge Foundation

Event Description

To create societies where everyone has both access to key information and the ability to use it to understand and shape their lives, we must build knowledge into the heart of all of our activities. This is a big task which requires not just a global shift in mindset, but also that we build the tools and communities to make such a society possible. The Open Knowledge Foundation invites you to join them from 15-17 July in Berlin for OKFestival 2014 as they consider how to translate Open Minds to Open Action.

To inspire Open Minds, OKFestival 2014 will be a shared, immersive experience - you can learn, listen, brainstorm, make, hack, watch and explore. The festival aims to engage and inspire attendees, and in turn your active participation will shape the event and its outcomes. The festival is a place for learning and dialogue, and it is these conversations which will act as the catalysts that enable us to make progress together on the things we care about.

This year, these conversations will be based around three narrative streams; Knowledge, Tools and Society. Each encompasses a broad range of open topics that the community is passionate about, and by building a programme around these three streams instead of by topic, OKFestival allows for greater collaboration between attendees and shared progress across the entire open movement.

For more information, please visit the OKFestival 2014 website.

The 2014 schedule and preliminary programme are available here.

Click here to buy tickets for the OKFestival 2014.

If you have additional questions, please email: [email protected].

Join the conversations about OKFestival on Twitter and Facebook where the hashtag is #OKFest14. If you add content about the festival on other channels such as Instagram, Google+ or Storify, please add the #OKFest14 hashtag so we can all join in!