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Discussion with Michael Quinn Patton

Event Details

Date and time

July 21, 2016


Alliance for Peacebuilding

Event Description

Global challenges like conflict, massive cross-border movement of displaced persons, virulent super-viruses and contagious diseases that threaten world health, climate change,  dying oceans, global terrorism, global food insecurity, global economic interdependence, and multinational capitalism, to name but a few examples, operate beyond national borders and regional or sectoral domains. Technology knows no national or agency boundaries. Moreover, these global systems and challenges are interconnected and dynamic. Global innovators and global systems change initiatives are beginning to think and act from the perspective of a complex, dynamic, and interconnected world system.

As such, peacebuilding evaluators need special perspectives and competences to engage and evaluate these global change efforts, to monitor, improve, help develop, and ultimately judge the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability of these global change efforts. 

On Thursday, July 21 the Peacebuilding Evaluation Consortium (PEC) will be hosting Michael Quinn Patton, evaluation leader and Utilization Focused Evaluation founder, at Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP). He will speak about thinking globally, holistically, and systemically; in essence, thinking of the world and its peoples as the evaluand. This means thinking beyond a world of national-states and what this means for peacebuilding evaluation. Please join the PEC and Michael on July 21 from 5-7 pm followed by an optional reception at AfP! It will be an opportunity to go into more depth and have more discussion about global challenges and evaluation.