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USAID Contribution

Strengthening the Discipline of Development Through the Program Cycle

May 19, 2014

In 2010, USAID embarked on an ambitious reform agenda to revitalize core Agency business practices in line with international best practices for aid effectiveness. Since that time, significant progress has been made in implementing the reforms outlined by USAID Forward -- from the establishment of evidence-based Country Development Cooperation Strategies in over half of USAID Missions, to conducting of 186 evaluations in 18 months with greater attention to quality and use.

The Program Cycle is at the heart of recent reforms to improve the way the Agency delivers development results. In this video, Agency Counselor Susan Reichle articulates USAID's vision for strengthening the discipline of development through the Program Cycle, which provides a systematic framework for integrating Agency initiatives and priorities into Mission programming to achieve high-level development objectives.