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USAID Contribution

Interactive Infographic: Three Approaches to Learning and Adapting

Jul 01, 2014

Learning and adapting is a key element of USAID’s Program Cycle, enabling development practitioners to be more effective by making iterative course corrections guided by continuous learning. USAID recognizes that development professionals frequently collaborate with colleagues and stakeholders, learn from new evidence or changes in their context, and adapt implementation accordingly. The Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting (CLA) approach is about making these actions systematically planned and adequately resourced.

This new interactive infographic lets you explore some examples of CLA in practice, including collaboration mapping and peer learning networks. Use this tool to orient yourself to CLA, then check out some information below to learn more.

(Click to Play)

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Learn more about:

Collaboration Mapping

Collaboration Mapping Overview
Collaboration Mapping Presentation
Constructing Collaborative Learning

Adaptive Management

Briefing Paper
Adaptive Management Overview
Knowledge-Driven Agricultural Development's Workplan Narrative

Peer Learning Networks

Best Practices
Panel Discussion
Learning Network Resource Center