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Institutionalizing USAID Forward

Jul 08, 2014

This year, USAID continues its efforts to integrate the series of policy reforms that make up USAID Forward (focused around Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnership; Local Solutions; Monitoring and Evaluation; and Talent Management) into daily operations. An Experience Summit held in Bangkok, Thailand in January served as a critical platform to assess what is working and what is not in rolling out these reforms. The Summit was held at USAID's Regional Development Mission to Asia and brought together 110 representatives from 32 USAID Missions around the world to engage in dialogue and distill lessons learned.

Strategic learning impacts all areas of USAID Forward. In this 7-minute video, key Summit participants describe how learning is improving how USAID Forward is implemented.

Headshot of Stephanie Flory"We don't want this to just continue to be a set of initiatives, but instead, truly become the way that we do business."

Stephanie Flory
USAID Asia Regional Training Center (ARTC) Coordinator

Headshot of Mike Yates"One of the things that I've been most impressed with is how this really underscores that USAID staff can teach USAID staff. We have the capability in-house to teach ourselves to do a better job."

Mike Yates
USAID Regional Development Mission to Asia (RDMA) Mission Director

Headshot of Susan Reichle"Having learning advisors in Missions, in Bureaus in Washington, creating that moment, creating that environment for people to sit down and to really share what they've learned."

Susan Reichle
Agency Counselor to USAID 

Headshot of Nipattra Sanguannuan"In order to learn, you don't actually have to be here. We can just broadcast training to you."

Nipattra Sanguannuan
USAID Asia Regional Training Center (ARTC) Program Assistant


 View the entire video below:

 To learn more about progress on USAID Forward, read the 2013 USAID Forward Progress Report.