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Industry Leaders Share Thoughts on Systems Change in Development

Oct 20, 2014

The Advancing the FIELD event, held at FHI360, focused on using program learning to inform emerging trends and introduce new ways of framing today's complex development problems. 

Keynote Sessions

System Archetypes and Emergent Futures: Reflections on Facilitating System Change

This session was the opening plenary of the Advancing the FIELD Conference hosted by the USAID-funded FIELD-Support LWA. In this video Peter Senge, renowned author and organizational learning expert, discussed the lessons learned working with systems archetypes in large-scale social change processes to facilitate system change.

Presenter: Peter Senge

Complexity in the Development Sector

On the second day of the Advancing the FIELD Conference Dave Snowden, founder and chief scientific officer of Cognitive Edge, introduced the Cynefin framework, which can help managers recognize the casual differences that exist between different types of systems (obvious, complicated, complex, and chaotic) to help in designing approaches and making better decisions in different types of social and economic environments.

Presenter: Dave Snowden

View all resources from this event on Microlinks.