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Community Contribution

Call for Evaluation Stories

Apr 23, 2014

This request has been cross-posted from the Evaluation Partners Innovation Challenge site.

Evaluation Partners logoDeadline for submissions is May 5.

Have you participated in a great evaluation? Have you been involved in an evaluation that influenced people’s lives and/or led to social betterment?

  • You now have until May 5, 2014 to submit your story, for a chance to have your evaluation profiled and published in an international collection of stories about evaluations that make a difference.
  • The winning stories will be further developed using engaging story development techniques.
  • The result will be a collection of powerful and evocative narratives that can act as an inspiration to others, which will be published and shared worldwide during EvalYear 2015.
  • It is easy and quick: Once you have decided which evaluation you want to profile, it should take only 1-2 hours to reflect on your experience and complete the Story Submission Form.

How do I know I have an evaluation story to tell? Ask yourself…..Have I been involved in an evaluation where:

  • There was good buy-in and participation among stakeholders
  • Findings from the evaluation were widely discussed and used to stimulate action
  • Evaluation use contributed to social betterment (i.e. improved the living conditions, directly or indirectly, of the people involved in the initiative evaluated)

If you answered ‘yes’ to at least two of the above questions, then you DO have a story to tell. 
Still not sure: Ask for feedback from the Evaluation Stories Project Coordinator.

Do I need to be a good storyteller to complete a Story Submission Form? 
Not at all! The Form provides the information needed to select which stories will be invited to the Story Development Phase. During this phase, support by a professional writer/storyteller will be provided to develop the submission into an engaging story to be published during EvalYear 2015.

How much work does it take to complete a Story Submission Form?
We recommend that two people (preferably an evaluation user and an evaluator) collaborate to complete the Submission Form. Once you have decided which evaluation you want to profile, it should take only 1-2 hours to reflect on your experience and complete the Story Submission Form.

What’s in it for me?
So glad you asked!

  • You’ll have a great story to share with stakeholders, in annual reports, on your website etc.
  • Looks impressive on a C.V. or during a performance review
  • For evaluators – it’s an opportunity to re-connect with former clients
  • It’s a valuable exercise in reflective practice – you may surprise yourself with your insights
  • Unique opportunity to profile your work – you can’t buy this type of publicity!
  • You’ll help build our understanding of how evaluations can contribute to social betterment

Learn more about this unique opportunity to profile your experience with Evaluations that Make a Difference! 
What do we mean by Evaluations that Make a Difference? 
Learn more about the Evaluation Stories Project
Download our Call for Stories and Story Submission Form