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Beyond Bandwidth: Social Media for #Ag Development Practitioners

Oct 03, 2013

This article is cross-posted from USAID's Agrlinks website.

On September 19 Agrilinks brought together several social media mavens for the latest #AskAg Twitter Chat, "Beyond promotion: Using social media for development." The chat featured Roxy Samii of IFAD, Silke von Brockhausen and Millie Begovic Radojevic of UNDP, and Lindsay Levin of the USAID KDMD Project/Agrlinks team. 

Our fastest moving chat yet, the experts and #AskAg community came together to discuss the following questions:

  1. What is your elevator pitch for using social media for development? How do you make the case?
  2. Describe one of your primary audiences and how you reach them through social media.
  3. How do you see your use of social media impacting international development?
  4. How do you measure the impact of your social media efforts? Quantitative? Qualitative? Are traditional measurements useful?
  5. How has social media changed the way you share research/resources? Has it made a distinct difference in the way you disseminate information?
  6. What #globaldev issues resonate most on social media? Why?

Read the Storify below for the full recap!